First Day View

First Day View
From the Luna Rosa

Monday, May 23, 2011

First Day of Class

I was going to spend some time speaking about our first day of class but I think it would be better to point out some quick observations on Florentine life.

1. People here are generally friendly and willing to speak English with you if you attempt at any Italian.
2. There are a lot of tourists here, many of whom are American, but they are superseded by the local people.
3. There is art and history everywhere.  Everything has some sort of background to it which adds intrigue to the entire "downtown" portion of Florence.
4. Prices in Florence are generally pretty good, especially for a city of this size.  If you travel here, don't plan on pricey living (though I imagine that housing could be expensive).
5. I either look like a bad pick-pocketing target or I just simply have no seen any pick-pocketers.  I have heard this is a big problem here in Florence, and I don't doubt it, but none of the people on this trip have had issues with getting mugged.
6. Drinking is socially acceptable at any meal and as a result, has much less of a stigma than in the United States.
7. The weather has been extremely gorgeous the entire time I have been here, which may be more luck than anything to be honest.
8. It's amazing how much there is within a one to two mile radius.

Those are just a few observations thus far.  I am sure that I will find more in this beautiful area over the next few weeks.  For now, enjoy some pictures from dinner on Sunday night made in the apartment and some random wanderings out near the mercado centrale. 

Sorry for this one being dark...I didn't have the time to lighten it up quite yet.


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