First Day View

First Day View
From the Luna Rosa

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Settled Into the Apartment

Buongiorno!  We finally settled into the apartment after a quick visit to SACI Florence (check out the website here...also, you may be able to tell where I got the name for this blog from that site).  The apartment is much larger than expected and includes three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen (complete with a stove, microwave, fridge, and washing machine for clothes), a common area with some seating, and a terrace (which is closed and locked right now since some idiots tried to climb on the roof last year after getting trashed though I think we will have it opened for us soon).  Here are some pictures I just took:

My bedroom, with John posing

Our bathroom

Toilet and Bidet

The ladies and their room

The living area

View out the window in the living area

More living area

Stairs to the kitchen/other bedroom

More kitchen

Upstairs bedroom

Upstairs bath

 So there is our apartment (I underestimated how long that many pictures would take).  I will post a little bit later with other details.  Ciao!


  1. P.S. Score on the bidet. It's like an oasis for the undercarriage :D
