First Day View

First Day View
From the Luna Rosa

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another Few Days Pass

I apologize for the long wait between blog posts but I really got caught up with living here.  It's amazing how quickly you can start living in a new area and begin to get annoyed with tourists.  The irony here is that I still pull tourist moves in the meantime.  Here are a few examples:

-I still walk around with a big ass camera strapped around my neck for my tours with my art history teacher...which leads me to...
-I take three tours a week with my art history teacher that requires a walky-talky type of device that hangs around my neck and has an earpiece so we can hear what she says.
-My Italian is awful.  Every now and then, I attempt to say something in Italian only to stumble on easy works like, "caffe" or "ciao."  I'm a language idiot sometimes.  Most of the time, this isn't a big deal but I can tell I annoy some of the locals here.
-I did the stupid holding up the Tower of Pisa photo op in Pisa.  Sorry.
-Every now and then I get hopelessly lost but manage to find a horrible route back to my apartment sometimes.  This isn't really a bad thing sometimes (I like getting lost sometimes) since I discover non-touristy events/areas.

I suppose I get most annoyed by rude tourists, mostly American I must say, and some American students around town.  I feel like I shouldn't mention this again but I saw the Jersey Shore cast at the local Conad grocery store about a block from my place.  I guess they like to shop there which also implies that they live nearby.  Great.

For a better collection of photographs, I recommend my Facebook page since it is much faster to upload photos there.  This doesn't mean I will stop uploading here, it just is difficult and can take about 30 minutes for about 15 pictures.


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