First Day View

First Day View
From the Luna Rosa

Friday, May 27, 2011

To The Top of the Dome

Sorry about not getting around to posting a blog up yesterday everyone, but I was starting to feel a bit under the weather and never really got around to doing a blog.  Actually, I am kind of sick at the moment and hopefully it will go away pretty soon.  As a result, today has not been the most productive or adventurous on my part.  On the bright side, the extremely high temperatures have cooled off into the 70s (degrees F, of course) down from the 90s.  Since I didn't take any pictures today, I can post up some of the wonderful views I got from yesterday.  I hope you enjoy them!

I made this photo bigger since you can actually see our place in this photo.  Literally dead center of this picture, you will see a little terrace on top of a building that is white.  That is where I live.  Feel free to click on it to get a better idea.

Michelangelo's "Pieta" at the Duomo Museum.  Stunning work of art.  Michelangelo is the figure above Christ as a self-portrait.

Absolutely stunning wooden statue made by Donatello of Mary Magdalene.  It's hard to believe that during the bad flood in the 1960s, this was picked up by the water and just floating around.  So thankful it survived.
Tomorrow, we go to Pisa and Lucca for the entire day starting at 7.00 am until 8.00 pm or so.  It will be a really long day.  As a result, I need sleep.


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